Website Design


Website Design

Stake your online claim with a website that ticks all the boxes.

In today’s marketplace, a functional and visually-appealing website is crucial for businesses of all sizes and industries. Not all are built the same.

With the internet acting as the first port of call for consumer research, legitimise your brand and leave a pleasing first impression. We believe there is a perfect recipe for good design, easy accessibility and logical navigation that satisfies those seeking your brand. Give your audience the best experience possible; make it so good they can’t turn away. Build credibility, generate leads and make your website work for you with RealClicks.

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The RealClicks Way

We’ve worked with clients of varying needs, from those with extensive product catalogues and shopping tools to informative, SEO-optimised information banks. The RealClicks way: building user-friendly websites that speak to your core business. We partner with you through the whole process – from ideation to launch with ongoing support.

Consultation and ideation

From brainstrom to launch, we help bring your vision to life.

Sitemap and wireframes

Laying the foundation for a seamless user experience(UX)

UI Design

Creating visually stunning and user friendly interfaces to engage customers.

Website Development

Building your website with best coding practices for seamless functionality


Crafting compelling copy to engage and inform your target audience.


Ready for takeoff. Launch your new websites with RealClicks


Secure and reliable website hosting for your online presence.

Ongoing Maintenance

Ensure your website runs somoothly with our ongoing maintance services

Real Action

Combining cutting-edge design with a simple user experience, strong callouts and consistent design, we’ve got a track record of improving conversion rates and dwell time.

Design that converts
  • Clear and concise messaging
  • Strategics use of visuals and graphics
  • User-friendly interface and navigation.
  • Responsive and fast-loading design

Design / UX Services Optimised for High Performance

We’ve all quickly navigated away from unresponsive and outdated websites. The second we get wind of delayed loading, we’re out of there. RealClicks builds sites that centre the customer first and foremost, concurrently ensuring your messaging and branding rings true. Optimise your business’ authority and trustworthiness with intuitive UX design, allowing the user to seamlessly find the solutions they seek. From typography to layout, CTA placement and more, our websites are made for high performance.

Get a free consultation Today!

Please contact us today for more information or to organise a consultation or proposal.

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Website Design

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