The Change Room

The Change Room offers leadership, wellness and recovery programs with renowned mentors. Their goal is to use proven techniques to boost psychological and physical performance in all aspects of daily life. Whether you’re a salesperson looking to improve your well-being and career or you’re recovering from an injury, The Change Room can help you get more out of life.

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The RealClicks team provided videography services for Café del Mar, showcasing their range of services and offerings. A sleek, modern video with stylish cinematography choices has given Café del Mar a valuable digital asset that can be used in multiple marketing efforts. By capturing the essence of the brand and dining experience in a short video, we can now showcase the best that Café del Mar has to offer.

Our team have also been busy making video reels and shorts for social media posts, which have been invaluable additions to Cafe del Mar’s online presence.

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In addition to videography, our team has captured still images for Café del Mar's use across various platforms, including social media, enhancing their visual presence. Importantly, these images have been tailored for social media use, serving as invaluable additions to Café del Mar's digital marketing strategy.

Website Development

In reviewing The Change Room’s existing website, Real Clicks worked to identify areas of improvement, such as clearer menus, easier navigation, adding testimonials, and refreshing the overall look and feel. A greater emphasis on conversions was also required. User experience was a key focus, and The Change Room now has a sleek, modern website that lets users find what they’re looking for easily.

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Social Marketing

Mobile Optimised

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Social Media Management

Real Clicks has managed social media for The Change Room, identifying a targeted audience base to drive more meaningful connections with followers. The focus here was on brand awareness, education and storytelling and consistency. Using strong visual stories, we helped The Change Room increase their Facebook content interactions by 57.3%, while also reaching a 100% boost in LinkedIn followers and engagement.


Facebook Content Interactions


LinkedIn Followers and Engagement
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Real Thoughts


The Change Room

Case Study

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