Google Ads is a paid advertising service offered by Google, the most-used search engine in Australia. We’ve all searched for things online and seen the sponsored ads at the top of the search results: these are Google Ads.
Businesses use Google Ads by targeting certain keywords with small advertisements that entice a user to click through to their website. You typically pay for these ads when a customer clicks on them, and the costs can vary depending on competition and relevance. Importantly, you can set daily budgets to ensure you don’t overspend.
Getting the maximum benefit from your Google Ads campaigns requires expertise and extensive marketing knowledge. Despite Google making it ‘easy’ to launch your own ad campaigns, setting up a highly targeted campaign with a high return on investment is a lot more complex.
Our experts at RealClicks are here to guide you and simplify the process.
Here are some of the ways we help businesses grow through the specialist placement of Google ads.
A focus on improving ROI
Return on Investment, or ROI, is the measure of how successful your advertising is. In simple terms, if you spend $1,000 on Google ads and generate $3,000 worth of profits (not sales, but profits after deducting the cost of making your products), then you have tripled your investment, or in other words, achieved a 300% ROI.
ROI is important to measure in paid advertising, and that’s exactly what we do at RealClicks. We thoroughly assess the effectiveness of your ads, making tweaks as we go and using A/B testing to find the best ad, keyword and landing page combinations.
Our Google Ads experts are great at delivering almost instant ROI, but it’s by analysing data that we refine your campaigns for an even greater return in the long term.
Finding the right audience
Practically everybody uses the internet when searching for products and services. This is why having a strong online presence is so crucial. Driving traffic to your website is a big motivator for investing in PPC (Paid Per Click) advertising, but it’s worth nothing if you don’t attract the right types of customers.
Our highly skilled SEO experts research your business, competitors and the types of keywords your audience is searching for. By understanding your audience, we use keywords to target the ideal audience –customers who are highly motivated to buy or engage with your business.
Take the keyword ‘plumbers’ for example. People searching for ‘plumbers’ may be looking for plumbing services. But they also might just be learning about what plumbers are, what they do, how to become a plumber or anything else to do with plumbing.
Instead, we would consider more targeted keywords such as ‘plumbers in my area’ or ‘affordable plumbing services in Sydney’. As a result, your website visitors are more likely to be looking for your products and services, and conversions become easier. Your PPC advertising is more cost-effective because you pay for more qualified clicks.
More traffic, more conversions
At RealClicks, we tailor our Google Ads services to align with your business goals. But ultimately, it boils down to two major goals.
- Increase website traffic
- Improve conversions
Google Ads are specifically designed to drive more traffic to your website. Even the most basic Google Ad can achieve this, but RealClicks delivers much more value than mere clicks. We ensure your ads target the right keywords to attract highly motivated customers. We also build high-converting landing pages for your ads, improving the chance of customers taking the action you want them to (purchasing, contacting, downloading a file, signing up to a mailing list – whatever your business goals are).
Our expert keyword research, ad copy and fully optimised landing pages help attract more leads and convert more leads into sales.
Improve organic rankings
While the traffic you generate from PPC advertising is different from traffic from organic search results, let’s consider this scenario.
A customer searches for one of your keywords that you rank in the top 5 for. You also have a PPC advertisement on the same Google search results page. The customer doesn’t necessarily click on the first paid link they see. They’ll usually scroll down and check the organic search results, too.
If that customer chooses to click your organically ranked link rather than the paid ad, this becomes organic traffic that helps your rankings. This is especially true if your landing page is optimised for the customer experience so they stay on your site for longer.
While PPC advertising doesn’t directly impact your website’s SEO, there are certainly still some organic benefits to diversifying your marketing budget across both paid and organic searches.
Meet your audience where they are
The digital marketing landscape is extremely diverse, giving businesses more and more ways to connect and engage with consumers. However, competition is also a lot tougher in the digital market. The old marketing mantra of ‘meet your customers where they are’ is now even more important than ever.
In short, your business, products and services must be easily found online. If you don’t have a strong online presence, plenty of your competitors do, and they’ll gladly take the customers. For most modern businesses, online is exactly where their customers are. But where online?
Overwhelmingly, in Australia at least, the answer is Google, which usually accounts for around 95% of all online searches. So, if your potential customers are searching for your products and services on Google, Google is where you need to be. Paid advertising campaigns put you front and centre of the action, delivering more clicks, more traffic, and more conversions.
If you’d like to find out more about boosting your business with our Google Ads services, we’d love to hear from you. Contact RealClicks today to book a consultation, where we’ll listen and learn everything we can about your business and goals. We tailor all of our services to your needs and are committed to delivering ongoing results.