Supps R US

Supps R US is Australia’s leading Online supplement retailer with a passion for helping people to reach their personal fitness goals. Established in 2005 and based in Victoria, they have a customer centric approach and pride themselves on stocking top quality products from certified distributors without the fuss of other supplement providers. High integrity and an attitude for efficiency has set them apart from competitors and made them a true market leader.


The RealClicks team provided videography services for Café del Mar, showcasing their range of services and offerings. A sleek, modern video with stylish cinematography choices has given Café del Mar a valuable digital asset that can be used in multiple marketing efforts. By capturing the essence of the brand and dining experience in a short video, we can now showcase the best that Café del Mar has to offer.

Our team have also been busy making video reels and shorts for social media posts, which have been invaluable additions to Cafe del Mar’s online presence.


In addition to videography, our team has captured still images for Café del Mar's use across various platforms, including social media, enhancing their visual presence. Importantly, these images have been tailored for social media use, serving as invaluable additions to Café del Mar's digital marketing strategy.

Social Marketing

The company supplied us with a target revenue to pursue in order to generate sustainable outcomes. Using this as a guideline Facebook campaigns were designed with a mindset of offering consumers “Great value offers” and remarketing to prospects who had shown interest in products without clicking through a purchase. Using data analytics RealClicks created targeted advertising based on previous consumer behaviours and facilitated increased revenue and website activity.


Users on The Site


Overall Site Revenue


The key SEO problem Supps R Us experienced was high volume organic impressions with low organic click through rates. RealClicks assisted in fixing this by simplifying the user interface on the website and drawing attention to current promotional offers in each product index. These changes resulted in an increase of 18% in organic clicks and number of top-10 keywords increased by 8.5%.


Organic Traffic


Top 10 Keywords

Content Development

Content development was organised across four quality articles per month to build brand, support SEO rankings and form the basis of good social media content. Supps R Us now have a fantastic blog with strong content that adds to brand equity and supports SEO through keyword optimisation.

Real Thoughts


Supps R US

Case Study

Real Review